Microsoft x Copenhagen Fintech

Microsoft is a new partner for Copenhagen Fintech in 2023, where their new collaboration would provide extra speed to the ecosystem within tech-driven innovation in financial services.

The level of ambition is high and Microsoft is keen to start and see through the partnership in a few primary ways - contributing with advice, mentoring and expertise on pioneering technologies, with a focus on AI, with the aim of developing the Danish Fintech ecosystem and laying the seeds for the next Danish growth adventures within Fintech.

Read more below about Microsoft's work with us, including upcoming activities and events in the Fintech ecosystem, and learn how you can get involved as a member.

Microsoft for Fintech Startups and Scaleups

Founders Hub helps startups developing software accelerate innovation by providing access to industry-leading AI services, expert guidance, and the essential technology needed to build a future-proofed startup. Among the benefits you can get access to up to $150K USD in Azure credits, developer licenses, third party tools, and much more. Read more about the benefits here

When applying for Founders Hub you can list a Microsoft employee for support in case of any challenges with your application – in this case you can list the following email:

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Advisory and Knowledge Partner in Stage Specific Programs

Microsoft will function as an important Technology Partner for the Danish and Nordic Fintech ecosystem, contributing with advice, mentoring and expertise in pioneering technologies, including AI, at Copenhagen Fintech's stage specific programs to help accelerate and develop Fintech startups.

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Connect Hours

For members of Copenhagen Fintech, the team at Microsoft provides additional support through Connect Hours during the year. Connect Hours are held at Copenhagen Fintech Lab and meetings are either virtual or in-person.

As a Fintech, you are welcome to come with Azure-related queries, business or technical questions about integrating with openAI, or to understand your potential eligibility for their Microsoft for Startups programs. You are welcome to book a time through the Connect Hours link below or by reaching out to and listing in the subject line that you are a Fintech member at Copenhagen FinTech.

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Networking and Innovation-Driven Partner

Copenhagen Fintech and Microsoft will continue to collaborate to increase awareness of the opportunities and challenges technology creates for the financial sector.

As a Partner, Microsoft will also participate as a knowledge speaker and attend Copenhagen Fintech's series of partner-exclusive events, including Innovation Masterclasses, which are knowledge-driven sessions targeted for corporate partners and those working in established financial institutions.Link

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Ida Buhl- Andersen,
IVS & Startups Recruit


Jacob Ensig,
Financial Services Industry Lead


Morten Schioldan,
Director, Cloud Solution Architecture (M2)
