Zurich Delegation 2025 - Point Zero Forum

May 5, 2025 2:00 PM
Copenhagen Fintech is arranging a first-time Fintech delegation to Zurich, Switzerland for the Point Zero Forum 2025 (PTZ). PTZ is organised by GFTN, responsible for organising the annual Singapore Fintech Festival in Singapore and a close partner of ours in the Nordic Fintech ecosystem.
PTZ is an annual gathering bringing together central banks, regulators and industry leaders to tackle pressing challenges, and explore actionable policy, finance and technology pathways.
For 2025, the key themes/dialogues are centered around the geopolitical landscape, re-building Europe’s competitive edge (and how we are in an era of the perfect storm) and use cases in technology for financial services and commerce.
This delegation trip would be relevant for Fintechs and financial institutions working in themes/key verticals relevant to PTZ, and for those with a foothold in Switzerland or interested to explore the landscape and establish business contacts.
As a Fintech or financial institution, what we offer:
- Pre-delegation call in early April 2025
- 3-day delegation program starting on Monday, 5th May to Wednesday, 7th May including 2 evening side events, relevant 1:1 matchmaking and presentations with our Swiss banking/financial partners on the ground and discounted tickets to PTZ (please refer to the program)
- Potential opportunity to be a part of the program at PTZ (subject to the discretion of the organisers)
What is and is not covered
- You cover: Flights and accommodation to/from Zurich, tickets to PTZ (discounted tickets available) and ad-hoc practical meal or drink expenses during the 3 days
- What we cover: Cost for the two networking events, as well as planning and setting up meetings during the trip
Who is this trip for?
This delegation trip would be relevant for Fintechs and financial institutions (scale-ups and corporate partners) working in themes/key verticals relevant to PTZ, and for those with a foothold in Switzerland or interested to explore the landscape and establish business contacts.
The trip will be facilitated by the Copenhagen Fintech team. For general enquiries, please direct them to Nicolette (nth@copenhagenfintech.dk) or your main contact in the organisation.