Disincentivizing Out-of-band Attacks & Improving the Efficiency of Post-Quantum Digital Signature Algorithms for Blockchain Systems
What is the project about?
Blockchain technology is the primary underlying system in all digital cryptocurrencies and distributed ledgers yet inherently engineered for robust security and resilience against the majority types of attacks. Nevertheless there are some treats to the security of blockchains and two of these treats are the focus of this project led by Esra Yeniaras at the IT University of Copenhagen together with a consortium of five companies.
Project goals
Firstly, this project aims to develop a novel method to disincentivize the malicious parties from committing an out-of-band attack on the blockchain that exploits the side protocols such as threshold signature or multi-party computation (MPC) running over that blockchain system, by leveraging the Proof of Individual Knowledge (PoIK) idea.
Secondly, this project aims to increase the efficiency of a suitably selected PQ-DSA (Post-Quantum Digital Signature Algorithm) by proposing a faster polynomial multiplication algorithm to be used in it. This improved multiplication algorithm(s) in the selected PQ-DSA(s) can then be used by any other researchers and/or quantum-resistant blockchain/cryptocurrency designers, for future applications.
Project output
The main output will be two research papers, documentation of performance tests presenting both the arithmetical and implementation efficiency of the new efficient polymoninal multiplication algorithm developed for the selected PQ-DSA(s). The output will also include open source software implementation of the new efficient polynominal mulitiplication method thereby offering a building block for other researchers and companies to develop more optimized implementations in different computer architectures and commercial solutions.
Host Institution(s):
IT University of Copenhagen
Principal Investigators:
Esra Yeniaras
Blockdeamon (formerly Sepior)
300.000 DKK
Project Period