Hybrid Intelligence in the Fintech Industry
What is the project about?
Copenhagen Fintech has supported two projects concerning what is termed Hybrid Intelligence led by Professor Jacob Sherson at Aarhus Unviersity.
Hybrid Intelligence (HI)is concerned with how to combine human expert knowledge combined with the data analysis and automation power of AI algorithms. Together humans and AI builds a socio-technical ensemble where both agents complement each other with their unique strengths and learn and evolve together. HI is thus a human-centered AI approach that promises higher impact and higher success rates of AI development and deployment projects not only but especially in the Fintech industry.
Project 1 - Hybrid Intelligence in the the Fintech Sector
To demonstrate the benefits of using HI the researchers expanded on existing corporate prototype collaborations both within and outside Fintech and identified three new cases:
- CASE 1: Online payment systems (in collaboration with Pensopay)
- CASE 2: Semi-autonomous investment decisions (in collaboration with Vencortex)
- CASE 3: Business process remodeling of digital customer relations management (in collaboration with Esoft).
Key learnings and results in the project was the positive impact of creating psychological safe spaces where employees can voice their fears, frustrations and hopes about the integration of AI in their work flows and demonstrating that an Hybrid Intelligence narrative can influence perceptions of future development scenarios. In the Esoft case the researchers proposed the concept of a HI data dashboard as well as an HI chatbot focused on building positive relations with customers rather than presenting options with overconfidence.
Project 2 - Generative-AI Powered Hybrid Intelligence in the Fintech Sector
In an ongoing follow-up project the research team at Aarhus University and building on new studies of creativity in the context of generative AI together with Autodesk, the researchers has developed a novel framework for understanding the antecedents and important outcome variables for designing AI-power virtual assistants. This so-called Hybrid Intelligence Technology Acceptance Model (HI-TAM).
The HI-TAM Modelmarks a dramatic departure from related efforts in information systems management of the past 3 decades by expanding the one conventional outcome metric (“willingness to adapt” the product) with two entirely new outcome ones (“willigness to train” and “willingness to co-develop).
The purpose of this current follow-up project is to develop generative AI assistants across several Fintech-relevant domains and systematically study which antecedents/ design variables carry most importance in these specific settings. The project has great practical potential as it will provide crucial, freely accessible best practice guidelines for all major Fintech organizations currently developing or planning to develop virtual assistants for process and product augmentation.
Host Institution(S):
Aarhus University
Principal Investigator:
Jacob Friis Sherson, Center for Hybrid Intelligence, Dep. of Management, AU
Pensopay A/S, Esoft A/S and Vencortex UG
500.000 DKK
Project period:
1.1.22-31.12.22 and 1.1.24-31.12.24

Project outcomes
The hybrid intelligence systems development guide. Download here
A Multi-Dimensional Development and Deployment Framework for Hybrid Intelligence. Find here
Explore the CHI-bot to learn more about AU's Center for Hybrid Intelligence. Find here
Ask Jacob (nearly) anything about his latest paper:
A Hybrid Intelligence Approach to Training Generative Design Assistants: Partnership Between Human Experts and AI Enhanced Co-Creative Tools. Find here